Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Some News.

The new 2020 is out now, and I picked it up today. I think you should aswell!

Im also keen to see FocalPoint's new DVD that is out now named 'The Waiting List'.
and also the follow up for SouthBMX's Forward Motion, Which is called 'Two Wheels and Pub Meals' Bosh!
That should be out around September.

I recently spotted this video on United that Tom told me about. UK rider Luke Peeters is now on United AM. I saw one of his Atilla/4down videos a while ago and it blew me away. He shreds the streets and has some serious style at the park aswell. Enjoy

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New Tom Shearman Edit!

Tom has made an new edit with his new camera out the front of his house on a nice winter afternoon after the rain had blown over.

Filmed by Russian Ben
Edited by Tom Shearman and Russian Ben.


p.s Our web video should be finally up at some stage of the game,

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Weekend Wrap Up!


Filthy Drains was on saturday, it was nuts!
check temperedthebrand.blogspot.com for some photos and there little write-up of the day. Props to Mikey! You rule mate!

In other news PowPowBMX has finally made an appearance on thecomeup with tom's slider video. In true comeup style Adam disliked the video as he now dislike's sliders, and everything else except muffinman and silly pictures of cats.

Also check www.mutinybikes.com, there uploading their 'Stoked On Being Pumped' dvd on vimeo so far they have the intro+Ryan Smith's part up, I love Ryan Smith!

Anywho, Here's a photo Tom shot of myself Icing this really fun rail.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Filthy Drains Challenge 2009

The Filthy Drains Challenge location has been anounced.
It is at the same place as last year! which is dope!
(Check The Map Below)
It kicks off at 1:30 this Anzac Day, (25th April).
Don't be a pinhead and rock up before the day!
Massive amount of prizes are up for grabs.
See Ya There!

For more info.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Hits And Misses

Here's some photo's I took before/during and after the easter festivities.

Aaron Erwich Nose Bonk to fakie on this steeper than it looks bank, wearing his $10 xxxxxxxxxxxL shirt he bought from this thug shop located in the shopping complex.

I'm almost 100% percent certain Tom won't like this photo but I uploaded because of the story behind it (I Guess) This was the sketchiest and darkest little corner, we managed to work out that someone was in a race to the toilet and they clearly lost. The stench was fairly pungent and somewhat unbearable.

Fresh Of Da Boat? Damn right!

A better shot of Aaron's xxxxxxxxxxxL shirt, which was more simply known as the "Thug Poncho". No secruity guard was game enough to fuck with Aaron in any way shape or form.

With the ridiculous weather in Brisbane a couple of weeks ago with cyclones up north and floods down south, Riding has been on and off. Tom took advantage of the shitty weather and got his Thorpedo on in this filthy old drain-overflow creek in the back blocks of Parkinson.

Tom now has Lepracy and/or H.I.V

Tom's Ipod after he got broken off. This photo does not do any justice what so ever of how much this kid actually bleeds. Haha

Here is yet another photo of Aaron in true style, Reppin his sweet as fuck workshirt and his new Tempered Treason Frame. I should have a bike check up soon as Aaron has got his new backwheel since this photo.

Aaron 360 Beyond The Darklands, The workshirt says it all.



Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tom Shearman's Crazy Tyre Slide!

Here's the proof.
Tom did this a couple of weekends ago.
He blewout his tyre at the end of the day.
Cheers to Russian Ben or filming it for me as I was a whinging sod all day.
And also cheers to Aaron for uploading it as my vimeo/computer was being a real basard as it would get to 96% to then freezing my computer.
Great Times behind my PC. Haha.

Tom's Slider from aaron erwich on Vimeo.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Random Photos Part 2

Here's some photo's collected.
stay tuned for the web video which should be dropping fairly soon (we hope!)

Aaron and Tom in the little blue beast!

Aaron Erwich on his colony endevour. Contemplating..................


Tuesday, March 10, 2009



If you haven't checked it out yet here's the blog that followed on from the runatmeslut.blogspot.com.

They've got a gnarly promo video up you should check out!


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Filthy Drains Challenge!!

The Grimey, Rotten, Putrid and just plain Filthy Drain's Challenge returns for the third installment! (Check The Flyer Below)

Also check some fresh photo's on temeperedthebrand.blogspot.com aswell.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Some More Random Photos.

Some photos I took while we were filming last weekend.

Aaron rail hop garden gap!! Very shit photo but awesome riding!

Tom Shearman Footjam on a steep/tight bank

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Terrordome

Here's a couple of photo's from a cool spot we found while filming for our upcoming web vid.

In other news, Tempered's Treason Bars and Foliage Seat have just dropped and should be available now! www.temperedthebrand.blogspot.com

Ride On have also just got the Nike 6.0 shoes and the new Colony Fantastic Plastic Pedals in stock aswell.

Nick and Dan Gascoine have a new blog in follow up of there old runatmeslut blog called nahyouritemate.blogspot.com. Which has some sweet photos and a Jeff Bahr interview.

Check It Out!


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Taste Of Things To Come

Here's some photos from today, as we are currently filming for our first serious video,
Stay Tuned :)

Tom Shearman footjam, i dont really like this photo see the other footjam he did below.

Blaze fuf on the rocks

Tom Shearman footjam

Me, ride to fakie on a steep bank