Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Weekend Wrap Up!


Filthy Drains was on saturday, it was nuts!
check for some photos and there little write-up of the day. Props to Mikey! You rule mate!

In other news PowPowBMX has finally made an appearance on thecomeup with tom's slider video. In true comeup style Adam disliked the video as he now dislike's sliders, and everything else except muffinman and silly pictures of cats.

Also check, there uploading their 'Stoked On Being Pumped' dvd on vimeo so far they have the intro+Ryan Smith's part up, I love Ryan Smith!

Anywho, Here's a photo Tom shot of myself Icing this really fun rail.

1 comment:

Mat. said...

Thanks for the repp from the drains challenge dude!